RGB(51, 51, 51)"> Sand King The sands of the Scintillant Waste are alive and sentient--the whole vast desert speaks to itself, thinking thoughts only such a vastness can conceive. But when it needs must find a form to communicate with those of more limited scope, it frees a fragment of itself, and fills a carapace of magic armor formed by the cunning Djinn of Qaldin. This essential identity calls itself Crixalis, meaning 'Soul of the Sand,' but others know it as Sandking. Sandking takes the form of a huge arachnid, inspired by the Scintillant Waste's small but ubiquitous denizens; and this is a true outward expression of his ferocious nature. Guardian, warrior, ambassador--Sandking is all of these things, inseparable from the endless desert that gave him life. 沙王 闪烁荒原的沙漠是有知觉的活物,它与自我对话,思考着只有这广阔的沙漠能包容的思想。当它必须要寻找一种和那些有限的存在交流的方式时,它解放了一块它的碎片,填入一块由狡猾的卡尔丁灯神创造的魔法甲壳中。这个存在称它自己为克里瑟历斯,意为“沙之魂”,不过世人都称他为沙王。沙王那巨大蛛形生物的外形源自闪烁荒地那些渺小但无处不及的居民,这身形真实地展示了他残忍的天性。沙王无法与赐予他生命的无限沙漠分开,他是这片沙漠的守卫者、战士、使节。