RGB(51, 51, 51)">  Priestess of the Moon Born to a royal family, a blood princess next in line for the Solar Throne, Mirana willingly surrendered any claim to mundane land or titles when she dedicated herself completely to the service of Selemene, Goddess of the Moon. Known ever since as Princess of the Moon, Mirana prowls the sacred Nightsilver Woods searching for any who would dare poach the sacred luminous lotus from the silvery pools of the Goddess's preserve. Riding on her enormous feline familiar, she is poised, proud and fearless, attuned to the phases of the moon and the wheeling of the greater constellations. Her bow, tipped with sharp shards of lunar ore, draws on the moon's power to charge its arrows of light. 月之女祭司 出生于皇室,带有高贵血统的公主米拉娜,在她即将登上太阳王座时,欣然放弃了所有对国土的世俗权力,将自身完全奉献给了月之女神赛莉蒙妮。从那以后米拉娜就作为众所周知的月之公主,巡回在银夜森林,搜索那些从月之女神保护地中的银色水池偷取夜光莲花的大胆之徒。米拉娜骑着她庞大的猫科伙伴,沉着、自豪且无畏,调和于月相和星座旋转。她的弓上镶嵌的月之矿石吸收月光之力,为她的光之箭矢充入能量。