
RGB(51, 51, 51)">[size=13.3333px][size=13.3333px]DOTA2英雄中英文背景故事一览,一起来了解一下。
Witch Doctor A wiry silhouette hitches forward--uneven of feature and limb, bizarre of gait, relentlessly criss-crossing the battlefield in search of that vital weak point where his talents can do most good, and most harm. Whether broken or mismade it is not clear, but still, none can doubt the power carried in his twisted physique. A long staff thumps the earth as Zharvakko the Witch Doctor advances, deploying a terrifying arsenal of fetishes, hexes and spells. It is a body of magical knowledge learned and perfected over several lifetimes in the island highlands of Arktura, now wielded with precision accuracy against his enemies. Zharvakko can be your best friend or your worst enemy--healing allies and laying waste to all who oppose him. 巫医 一个轮廓不匀的瘦长身影迈着怪异的步伐纵横在战场上,寻找着敌人的致命弱点,用他可怕的才能造成严重的伤害。无论他那扭曲的身体是被打断的还是先天的,没有人可以质疑其中的力量。巫医扎瓦克用他的长杖猛击地面前进,他是一个迷信、巫术和咒语的恐怖聚合体。这个身体在阿克图拉岛的高原地带学习了魔法知识并磨练娴熟,现在精确的用在他的敌人身上。治疗友军,践踏敌人,扎瓦克可以成为你的好战友,或者最糟糕的敌人。