BEAREYES.COM 北京 [ 翻译 ] 作者:太平洋电脑网-我不是阿梅 日期:2008年10月08日
39年风雨路程 AMD缘何变为Fabless IC公司?
北京 时间10月7日周二晚上,AMD正式公布布了“Asset Smart”资产灵活化方案具体细节,AMD现任首席执行官德克·梅耶表示,这是AMD自创立以来意义最重大的一次改革。详细请看《AMD获阿联酋$84亿投资 拆分细节曝光》。从最初一家10万美金注册资金的公司到如今的Fabless IC公司,AMD经过多次重大的战略调整,在漫长历史中曾留给我们许许多多值得回味的故事,特别是与对手Intel不屈的抗争,让我们记住了AMD的勇敢。下文编辑将与大家一起走近历史的脉络,回顾AMD自创立以来走过的39年风雨路程,帮助各位读者更好地理解AMD为什么会做出今天如此的决定?
(本文翻译自TG Daily网站)
1969,仙童半导体公司几位元老人物,包括杰里·桑德斯(Jerry Sanders),在当年5月1日以10万美元注册资金成立了AMD公司(Advanced Micro Devices),总部位于加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔。
1975年,AMD通过AM9102进入RAM存储芯片市场,针对Intel 8080处理器,研发出使用位元切片(bit-slice)逻辑技术的处理器。
1988年,AMD成立了AMD亚微型开发中心(Submicron Development Center),开始向AMD在世界各地的Fab晶圆工厂提供下一代技术。
1996年,AMD收购了制造微处理器的NexGen公司,获得后者Nx系列X86处理器的生产权,在微处理器市场与Intel展开了直接竞争。AMD在德累斯顿Fab 30工厂开始修建。
1997年,AMD正式推出K6处理器,对抗Intel的Pentium II处理器。
1998年,K6-2处理器发布,AMD宣布与Motorola就铜互连技术(copper-based semiconductor technology )的开发建立长期的伙伴关系,并在当年的微处理器论坛上发布AMD K7处理器。
1999年,AMD推出AMD速龙处理器,这款处理器是由Dirk Meyer(当时为DEC公司主要的副工程师之一,并于2008年接任成为AMD CEO)为首的DEC(美国数据设备公司)研发团队主持设计的,AMD展示了第一款达到1GHZ的处理器,实际运行频率为1016MHz。
2000年,AMD公布了带有功耗管理功能的K6-2+移动处理器,杰里·桑德斯(Jerry Sanders)从摩托罗拉半导体公司挖来鲁毅智(Hector Ruiz),成为AMD总裁和COO首席运营官。AMD德国德累斯顿Dresden Fab 30工厂开始首次供货。
2001年,AMD面向服务器和工作站的AMD速龙MP双处理器,HyperTransport(超传输总线)技术也被Agilent, Apple, Broadcom, Cisco Systems, IBM, nVidia, Sun和德克萨斯州部门采用。
2002年,AMD收购Alchemy半导体公司,获得后者的低功耗增强型处理器技术。Athlon XP处理器从此集成了AMD的 Cool'n'Quiet(凉又静)节能技术。Hector Ruiz接替杰里·桑德斯(Jerry Sanders),,担任AMD的首席执行官。
2003年,AMD与IBM宣布合作开发下一代晶圆制造技术,支持64-bit技术的Athlon 64和Opteron处理器初次亮相,Opteron是AMD公司第一款真正的服务器处理器。AMD获得了国家半导体公司(National Semiconductor)业务,并宣布与Sun Microsystems建立战略性伙伴关系。同年,AMD与日本富士通公司成立一家新的闪存业务合资公司,名为Spansion。
2004年,AMD向外界展示了首款X86双核处理器,并于中国北京 成立大中华区总部。
2005年,AMD推出双核设计的Turion 64移动处理器,位于德累斯顿的300 mm晶圆工厂Fab 36。AMD向美国特拉华州联邦地方法院提起反托拉斯垄断诉讼,指控英特尔采用非法手段阻止计算机厂商购买AMD处理器。Spansion公司股票开始上市发售。
2006年,AMD以54亿美元总额收购了ATI公司,震惊了整个IT业内,并宣布计划在2010年推出Fusion处理器。戴尔宣布开始采用AMD的处理器。AMD展示了基于 Barcelona核心的四核服务器处理器,并成立上海研发中心,专注移动平台领域的研发。AMD处理器制造工艺开始转向65nm,减小与Intel在晶圆工艺制程方面的差距,并计划在纽约州新建一座32nm工艺Fab工厂。
2007年,原ATI首席执行官Dave Orton月底辞去AMD副总裁一职。Opteron处理器和Phenom四核处理器,TLB bug。AMD随后推出了屏蔽L3 Cache的三核处理器,并宣称第一款45nm工艺处理器已经试产成功。在与Intel酷睿处理器的价格大战中,为了保持住20%左右的市场份额,失去了几十亿的利润,自收购ATI之后连续4个季度处于亏损状态。
2008年,Phenom三核处理器正式上市,6月份发布了Radeon HD 4800系列显卡产品。第二代Barcelona Opteron处理器修正了TLB Bug,受到服务器厂商的欢迎。AMD开始出售200mm 晶圆工厂等非核心业务,45nm处理器进入量产阶段。德克·梅耶(Dirk Meyer)接替鲁毅智(Hector Ruiz)成为CEO,轻资产化成为其上任后的首要目标。
德累斯顿Fab 36工厂
Upon closing, The Foundry Company will:
• Have a total enterprise value of $5.0 billion, consisting of AMD's contribution of manufacturing assets and intellectual property, (including its fabrication facilities in Dresden), intellectual capital and employees valued together at $2.4 billion; ATIC's contribution of $1.4 billion in new capital; and $1.2 billion of debt assumed by The Foundry Company from AMD;
• Be consolidated with AMD for purposes of financial reporting;
• Have a board of directors whose membership is equally divided between representatives of AMD and ATIC;
• Have only AMD and ATIC as stockholders, each of which at the closing will have equal voting rights;
• Be owned 44.4 percent by AMD and 55.6 percent by ATIC on a fully converted to common basis. ATIC’s economic ownership will increase over time based on the differences in securities held by AMD and ATIC, and depending on whether AMD elects to invest proportionately with ATIC in future capital infusions to support The Foundry Company’s growth;
• Have its principal headquarters in Silicon Valley; and its research and development and manufacturing leadership teams and ecosystems in New York, Dresden, and Austin;
• Have an exclusive supply agreement with limited exceptions to manufacture AMD processors and to manufacture, where competitive, certain percentages of other AMD semiconductor products;
• Begin construction of the Fab 4X manufacturing facility in New York in the middle of 2009, directly employing more than 1,400 workers in Upstate New York when the facility is in full operation;
• Expect to increase capacity at one facility in Dresden and complete the conversion of a second state-of-the-art facility in Dresden in 2009;
• Join the IBM technology development alliance for both SOI and bulk silicon technology, greatly expanding the addressable market of The Foundry Company;
• After the upgrade and expansion in Dresden and the build-out of the New York facility, The Foundry Company envisions expanding its global manufacturing footprint over time, if commercially justified, to also include new fabrication facilities in Abu Dhabi; and
• Announce its permanent corporate name and identity.
Upon closing, AMD will:
• Have equal voting rights with ATIC in The Foundry Company;
• Own 44.4 percent of The Foundry Company on a fully converted to common basis;
• Improve its liquidity through The Foundry Company’s assumption of approximately $1.2 billion of AMD’s debt, ATIC’s $700 million payment to AMD for ownership interests in The Foundry Company and Mubadala’s purchase for $314 million of 58 million newly issued AMD shares and warrants for 30 million additional shares;
• Tightly focus on the design and development of the next generation of innovation based on the fusion of computing and graphics processing;
• Elect a Mubadala designee as a member of its Board of Directors;
• Excluding its consolidation of The Foundry Company for financial reporting purposes, improve its net cash position by $2.1 billion, through The Foundry Company’s assumption of approximately $1.1 billion in debt (net of approximately $100 million cash transferred by AMD to The Foundry Company) and cash payments from ATIC and Mubadala aggregating $1.0 billion;
• Have the option, but not any requirement, to provide additional capital funding to The Foundry Company in response to future capital calls; and
• Have an exclusive supply agreement with The Foundry Company, with limited exceptions, to manufacture AMD processors and an agreement with The Foundry Company to manufacture, where competitive, certain percentages of other AMD semiconductor products.
Upon closing, ATIC will:
• Have equal voting rights with AMD in The Foundry Company;
• Own 55.6 percent of The Foundry Company on a fully converted to common basis;
• Invest an initial $2.1 billion, of which $1.4 billion will be invested directly in the new company and $700 million will be paid directly to AMD;
• Commit a minimum of $3.6 billion and up to $6.0 billion in additional funds over the next five years for the upgrade and expansion of fabrication facilities in Dresden and construction of a new facility in Upstate New York.
Upon closing, Mubadala will:
• Purchase for an aggregate of $314 million 58 million newly issued AMD shares and warrants for 30 million additional shares, giving it a total stake in AMD of approximately 19.3 percent on a fully diluted basis; and
• Have a right to designate a representative for election as a member of the board of directors of AMD.