外设天下 - 电脑外设发烧友聚集地

引用 游客 2013-10-26 04:26
Large families usually have a hard time during the days leading to Christmas as they search for appropriate gifts for the family members and their many friends. It can be quite tricky to get as many as 14 kids and 10 or so adults gifts for Christmas without feeling the financial strain that accompanies such a shopping spree. What with all those nieces and nephews that are on your case demanding Christmas gifts from you not forgetting the man in your life who you have to get gifts for him, your d ...
引用 游客 2013-7-14 19:26
引用 吉川富郎 2013-7-14 12:23
右手年华: 我才发现filco沦落到屌丝才会用了,糕富帅都去用这货了。
用Cherry G80-3000的矮穷搓表示无地自容......
引用 游客 2013-7-10 21:13
多少把了 都一个操行。。。K65呢
引用 右手年华 2013-7-9 16:42
引用 a271774166 2013-7-9 09:54