外设天下讯 12月30日消息,在上周举行的混沌计算机会议上,知名硬件黑客黄欣国(Andrew bunnie Huang)报告了MicroSD卡的安全隐患。他和同事发现部分SD卡包含了能允许在卡上执行任意代码的漏洞,而在记忆卡上执行代码的能力将可用于发动一种难以探测的中间人攻击。不过从好的一面上说,由于SD卡流行和低价,硬件爱好者将拥有一种廉价微控制器来源。 SD卡嵌入的微控制器通常是高度修改过的8051 CPU或ARM CPU,接近100 MHz性能水平,并且整合了多种硬件加速器。 |
In our talk at 30C3, we report our findings exploring a particular microcontroller brand, namely, Appotech and its AX211 and AX215 offerings. We discover a simple “knock” sequence transmitted over manufacturer-reserved commands (namely, CMD63 followed by ‘A’,'P’,'P’,'O’) that drop the controller into a firmware loading mode. At this point, the card will accept the next 512 bytes and run it as code.