不久前,有位神人Dream JB突然蹦出来说,他很快就会发布iOS 6的完美越狱工具,日期定在12月22日。这一消息顿时引起了众人的关注和质疑,随后,他又将这一日期提前到12月12日,不断吸引大家的注意。真相揭晓,原来Dream JB是个大忽悠,根本就没有什么iOS 6完美越狱。 真相揭晓,原来Dream JB是个大忽悠,根本就没有什么iOS 6完美越狱。 下面是Dream JB团队公布的真相,附带翻译! DreamJB was intended as a social experiment. In the matter of a mere week, over 20,000 people followed @DreamJailbreak on twitter. DREAMJB的初衷是作为一个社会实验,在仅仅一个星期内,超过2万人在推特上FOLLOW了我。 This website had over 300,000 unique viewers. People believed in a “jailbreak” that originally provided no proof at all. 这个网页有超过30万的浏览人数,这些人单纯地相信根本就没有提供证据的“越狱”。 Imagine what could have happened should this have gone for sale? 想象下如果这个“越狱”用来销售的话会是什么结果? The provided proof tonight was intended as a final boost to the viewers before this message was released. 这次提供的证据(视频1?)是作为在这条消息出来前对所有围观者们的一针最终催化剂. Let this be a lesson to the public. PLEASE be careful when it comes to jailbreak solutions that are advertised outside of the prominent and accepted dev teams. Do some research and follow them on Twitter now. 就当给公众一个教训,当外界有除了权威的DEV团队外的越狱方案时请务必谨慎。 Dismiss any claims made by anybody, unless it has been confirmed from the dev team members. 忽略任何宣称(能越狱)的人,除非是DEV团队成员确认过的。 Should a real jailbreak ever surface, they’ll be the first to give it the OK. 如果有真的越狱诞生,DEV团队会是第一个给予肯定的人。 This experiment is exactly as it was named. Simply just a dream. 这个实验犹如它的名字一样,仅仅是一个梦而已。 |